Creelman Cattle Show

Creelman Fair Cattle Show

The Cattle Show will begin at 12:30PM

Entry fee:
$3 Creelman Agricultural Society Membership (one time annual fee)
$2 per class entered
No entry fee required for S.N. Horner Special or Class 18.

One entry per exhibitor per class, except that an exhibitor may enter two in any class to a maximum of two ­classes.

In cases of only one exhibitor in breed shown, full prize money will be awarded.

Full prize money will be awarded for exhibitors 12 years & under in Grade & Showmanship Classes.

Any display of animals not being shown & not exceeding 5 head will pay an entry fee of $20.00.

Beef Breeds
1st $25.00     2nd $20.00     3rd $15.00     4th $10.00

CLASS 13 ~ Registered Hereford
CLASS 13A ~ Registered Shorthorns
CLASS 13B ~ Registered Angus
CLASS 13C ~ Purebred Simmental
CLASS 13D ~ Purebred Charolais
CLASS 13E ~ Purebred Maine Anjou
CLASS 13F ~ Registered Dairy
CLASS 13G ~ Any Other Breed

(These sections used in Class 13A-E)

1. Bull calf born in calendar year

2. Yearling bull

3. Bull 2 years old or older

4. Pair of males owned by exhibitor

Each animal must have been exhibited in one of the above classes

5. Female calf born in calendar year

6. Female yearling

7. Female 2 years old with calf at foot

8. Cow with calf at foot

Grand Champion Female & Reserve ribbons

9. Pair of females owned by one exhibitor

Each animal must have been exhibited in one of the above classes

10. Group Class: Group of 4 animals bred and owned by one exhibitor

Both sexes represented. Each animal must have been exhibited in one of the above classes

11. Get of Sire: 3 animals, both sexes

S.N. Horner Special

Champions and Reserve Champions of above Classes are eligible for this class
No Entry Fee
Best Registered Animal, either sex, of all breeds.

1st $25.00     2nd $15.00     3rd Ribbon     4th Ribbon

Grade Dairy

1st $25.00     2nd $20.00     3rd $15.00     4th $10.00

1.    Cow, in milk, three years or over

2.    Cow, dry, three years or over

3.    Heifer, two years or over

4.    Heifer, one or two years

5.    Heifer, calf under one year

Grade Beef

1st $25.00     2nd $20.00     3rd $15.00     4th $10.00

1.    Cow, two year old with calf

2.    Heifer, one year or over

3.    Heifer or steer calf born after January 1 of current year

4.    Steer, one year or over

5.    Pen of three feeders, must not have been shown in above sections

S.N. Horner Special

Best Showmanship Being owner not necessary
1st $3.00     2nd $2.00     3rd $1.00     4th Ribbon

1.    Girl or Boy under 13 years
2.    Girl or Boy 14 to 21 years


Must own calf
1st $5.00     2nd $3.00     3rd $2.00

1.    Girl or Boy under 13 years
2.    Girl or Boy 14 to 21 years
Donated by Gerald and Darlene Swanson

4-H Youth Activities – Beef Heifer – Ribbons

In Memory of Wm. (Bill) Horner
Donated by John, Pat, Scott & Jaret Horner

1st Trophy & $40.00     2nd $30.00     3rd $20.00     4th $10.00


Conveners Dylan & Tara Lee Grieve

Colin Dammann, Gerry & Gayle Dammann


Dylan & Tara Lee Grieve
Phone: 306-722-7437

Gayle Dammann
Phone: 306-457-3134

S.N. Horner Special

See Class 14
Best Registered Animal, either sex, of all breeds.
1st $25.00     2nd $15.00     3rd Ribbon     4th Ribbon

S.N. Horner Special

See Class 17
Best Showmanship
1st $3.00     2nd $2.00     3rd $1.00     4th Ribbon